
Residents have voiced mounting grievances about heightened noise levels at Flagler Executive Airport, urging the county to prohibit touch-and-go operations

Wed Dec 06 2023

Two residents living near Flagler Executive Airport are urging the county government to impose restrictions on airport operations to mitigate the noise caused by low-flying flights and frequent touch-and-go maneuvers.

Represented by Gray Robinson attorney Nick Dancaescu, Gina Weiss and Ray Stevens from Quail Hollow and Seminole Woods neighborhoods have formally requested in a letter dated November 6 that the airport ban touch-and-go operations. They also seek higher approach elevations over their communities, exceeding 500 feet, and the implementation of an effective enforcement plan to ensure compliance, including a dedicated hotline for residents to report violations.

In their letter, the residents express that the noise, fumes, and vibrations from airport operations have become intolerable, impacting their quality of life and property rights. They argue that frequent low-altitude flights over private properties could potentially constitute a violation of their property rights under the Fifth Amendment.

Citing data from FlightAware, the letter highlights instances where flights performed multiple low passes and touch-and-go maneuvers over the neighborhoods, indicating significant disturbance.

The letter underscores that despite existing regulations requiring compliance with federal noise standards or stricter airport noise requirements, the airport has allegedly not adequately enforced these rules, leading to excessive noise levels.

Read the original story here: